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Infinity: Soulmates 2 Page 4
Infinity: Soulmates 2 Read online
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Me: Later, hot stuff.
Oh yeah, I’m going to have to watch her. Turning back to my computer with a huge smile on my face I re-open my document and get back to my story.
After talking to Adam in the cafe today, I feel a little more at ease. I do feel an attraction to him and he doesn’t seem so bad after all, I was a little harsh on him. With the pressures of the garage though and with my Dad poorly, I just haven’t got time for a proper relationship.
It’s been so long since I’ve had a man try to chat me up, I’m not sure how to take it. If he really meant what he said about being friends though... I could try and manage that… I think.
All the numbers on the screen are all forming into one jumbled mess again, I save my work, stretch my neck and back, they’re aching from being sat at the desk for so long. I look at my phone and a grin works its way onto my face for the first time in a while after seeing what he called me - it’s nice, I suppose if I wanted to be all girly of course.
I drop my phone into my bag and walk around to the guys, I tell them I’m leaving and I’ll see them in the morning. I jump in my car and make a detour on the way.
* * * * * * *
Walking into the hairdressers, I sit down in the large black leather chair and take the bobble that’s keeping my messy bun in place… I shake out the knots in my hair and run my fingers through it,
“Hey D, what am I doing?”
“Hey you. I really don’t know - but it’s boring don’t you think?” I look at my very lank hair in the mirror and wish it was better, I hate my red hair, it’s all one length to mid back - ugh! “Leah, please do something!”
“Okay, do I get free reign over it.” nodding at her through the mirror, she gives me a devilish smile.
“Don’t go mad, okay?”
“Yes ma’am.” She starts brushing through my hair then goes to fetch her trolley. “Okay, how about I cut it, put some shape back into it and give it some highlights?”
“Whatever, I’m in your hands.”
Winking at me in the mirror she begins her to do her job.
Leah is my best friend, the only friend I’ve really got. When I had to take over the garage at nineteen, my so-called friends didn’t like that I stopped going out with them because I was too tired.
The only thing they were interested in were men and getting drunk every single weekend. With Dad’s surgery, depression and taking over the garage it was just too much. The only person to stick by me was Leah.
She’s the complete opposite to me though, I love getting my hands dirty and Leah - well, she’s such a girl, if she breaks a nail it’s the end of the world. But, as much as I don’t mind the grime of my job; I do like getting my hair done every now and again, and seeing the mess it’s in today it’s waaaay overdue.
We met when we were eight, it was a show and tell day at school and she took my toy car, I had all the vintage ones, Rolls Royce, Jaguar. She made fun of me and called me a boy because I liked cars, so I stole her Barbie doll and after the whole ‘my cars are better than any smelly Barbie,’ we were made to sit in the same room and to shake hands by the teacher.
After that we became friends; not without arguments over the adolescent years, but by the time we got to high school we were happy we were different from one another... it made us stand out from the rest. Friends came and went, but Leah, she was always the one in my corner, cheering me on.
Leah’s hair is dark brown and cut into a funky bob which hangs lower at the front and drops into points and in a ‘V’ at the back, she’s always changing her hairstyles. She’s pretty too with striking blues eyes and an olive skin tone, the men fall over her, but luckily, she has a boyfriend named Dan.
They’re perfect for each other and have been together for about a year now. They got engaged at Christmas and it was so sweet; he took her to New York and proposed to her in front of the Rockefeller tree. It was so romantic. The pictures were beautiful, it was snowing too. Getting a dreamy look in my eye, I snap back to now and look in the mirror when I hear Leah’s voice.
“Oi, D. What are you thinking about?”
“Oh nothing. Oh my God, Leah, I look like an extra-terrestrial with all these foils in my hair.” She looks at me confused. “You know E.T?”
“God D, why do you have to watch all the old films - I never know what you’re going on about!”
“One day I’m going to educate you.” I poke my tongue out at her and raise an eyebrow as she just laughs…
“Yeah, mature.”
“I never said I was.”
Two hours later, my hair has been cut into long layers, washed, blow dried and I have two colours running through it; blonde and brown and it looks awesome!
I shake my head and watch my hair, “Oh my gosh Leah, I love it! Thank you so much.” She takes the bib off me and shakes it on the floor as I jump up from the chair and wrap my arms around her. She’s taller than me by about four inches.
I sit back in the chair while she sweeps and cleans up as we’re the only ones here. I wait for her to finish so we can go and grab a bite to eat. While I’m waiting, I send my Mum a text telling her I won’t be home until later and get ready to spend some girl time with my best friend.
I followed Leah home so she could drop her car off as we headed to the pub not far from us. As soon as we were sat at a table we ordered a drink, me a lemonade and Leah had a glass of white wine. Once we knew what we were having I order our meals - a thank you for doing my hair, as she wouldn’t have any money for doing it, then sit back down.
“So, come on then what’s new?” Leah asks linking her fingers and resting her joined hands on the table.
“Not much really. Dad’s no better, the garage is very slowly going downhill and I don’t know how to stop it. I can’t tell Dad because it’ll make him worse... I asked him this morning if he wanted to come to the garage for a bit but he just refused, he wants to sit there and wallow in self-pity and make us do the same.”
“Oh babe, I’m so sorry. If I could help out I would.”
I place my hand on top of hers and smile sadly, “I know you would and thank you.” I look into my glass and swirl the clear liquid around, I can feel Leah’s eyes on me, so I snap out of my subdued mood and smile at her. “Come on then what’s new with you. How’s Dan the man?”
“You know he hates it when you call him that?!”
“I know,” I say with a nod and grin smugly, “It’s why I say It.”
I take out my phone from my bag to see if my Mum has texted me back and see I have a text, but not from Mum:
Player: Hey, friend. What you up to?
I look up to see the waiter at our table and bring our food over, so I quickly type out a text back and change his name in my contacts.
Me: Hey, I’m just out with a friend. How about you?
I drop my phone back in my bag and start eating my Scampi as I feel Leah’s eyes on me…
“What?” I ask confused.
“So, anything new?”
I consider what to say to her - if I tell her about Adam now she’ll get the wrong end of the stick and then get all excited that I’ve got a new boyfriend. I actually haven’t been with anyone since I was nineteen... so you can imagine, she’ll have me married off in weeks.
Instead, I give her a vague excuse and tell her it was just my Mum texting me to ask me to pick some milk up on the way home. She’ll kill me when I do tell her but we’ll deal with that then, for the moment - we’ll see what happens.
For the rest of the evening we laugh, talk and enjoy our girly time before dropping her off at hers and I drive home.
I read the text that Darcy has sent me back and try to think of a comeback.
ME: I hope he’s not as good looking as me. ;)
Hopefully she’ll see the funny side of that. I wait for the bubbles to appear on the screen to tell me she’s typing but they don’t. Fuck!
I go back to my em
ail I was replying to and act cool. I had a response from one of the magazines I applied to, they were interested because I told them I do photography too so I can mix that with my writing. I send an email back accepting the interview for in two days and look back at my phone; still nothing.
I need to know more about her.
I know she thinks I’m cocky - but I want to show her there’s more to me than that. I’ve never had a reaction to a girl like this before, not where I want to spend more time with her. It’s like she’s got under my skin and set up camp there.
I re-open my document as my phone pings with a message. Quickly opening it up to read it... eager much.
Opening the message, I smile, it’s from her.
Hot mechanic: Ohhh, much hotter. ;)
Smiling, I type out a text to send back to her.
Me: I don’t believe you…
Hot mechanic: Sure, of yourself aren’t ya?!
Me: Of course, I am. LOL
Hot mechanic: You never fail.
Me: I have to keep up appearances. :)
I wait a few minutes for her to reply when she doesn’t I get into bed and scroll through Facebook. A message pops up at the top of my screen, so I tap on it to open it up.
Hot mechanic: OMG! LOL! I’m going to bed, I’m tired and I’ve got an early start. Thanks for the chat.
Me: Anytime babe. I’ll text ya when I fancy another cup of coffee. ;)
She doesn’t answer this time, so I put my phone on the bedside table, settle down and let the vision of a cute little redhead lull me to sleep.
Two days have passed since I’ve seen or spoken to Darcy, I’m trying not to crowd her since the last time I saw her as we parted on good terms, no awkwardness. I don’t mind chasing her but I don’t want to piss her off either. I intend to chase her until she gives in. After speaking to her over texts the other night - it’s made me want to know her even more.
I’ve spent the last two days in either the cafe or my study just writing. I secretly hoped she’d walk into the cafe again, but she didn’t. In all honesty, I was disappointed but it’s done me good and kept me motivated.
I’ve just got a few chapters left of my book, then I can get it ready to send to the publishing house and hope they’ll take it on.
I walk into the house and Todd is in front of the television. I had my interview today, they loved my photos and even my writing, so they offered me the job straight away. I of course accepted, because it’s freelance I can work from home but we have a weekly meeting.
“Hey, bud.” I sit in the chair.
“Hi, what you up to, how did your interview go?” Todd asks me.
“Good, I got the job….”
Cutting me off, Todd answers, “Already?”
“Yeah they offered it me there and then. What can I say, I’m brilliant!”
Scoffing at me, “Yeah if you say so.” Todd turns his attention back to the telly
“So, I was thinking…”
Todd looks across at me and frowns, “Don’t hurt yourself.” He answers laughing.
“Funny! Anyway, do you want to hear or not?”
“Go on then, let’s hear another one of your laughable ideas.”
I clutch my chest and force a laugh out at him, “You’re so funny, dickhead. I really don’t know why I bother!”
“Oh, just tell me, pussy!”
“Okay so, you know Darcy is into cars…?”
“Obviously, since she’s a mechanic and all,” Todd says rolling his eyes.
“Who the fuck has your boxers in a twist today, you, snarky fucker?”
“Sorry. Just tell me!”
“Well I was thinking of taking her Go-Karting. I don’t know - what you think?”
“Yeah why not, ask her. You won’t know otherwise.”
I tap out a text to Darcy asking her whether she wants to go out and do something on Saturday, as friends of course, and wait for her answer. I look back at Todd and ask him what’s wrong but again I get the brush off.
Huffing and telling him he knows where I am when he wants to talk, I head upstairs, get this shirt off and replace it with a t-shirt. I sit in my study at my Mac and start on edits while I wait on an answer from Darcy.
After an hour of waiting for a reply I finally hear the ping of my phone. I pick it up and read the message:
Hot mechanic: Thanks for the offer but I’m really busy on a weekend and I just don’t have time. Sorry. Another time maybe?
I don’t answer the text, instead I shutdown my computer and grab my truck keys. I head downstairs and shout I’m going out and jump in my truck.
I will get her to come out with me.
I see Adam’s truck pull on to the forecourt of the garage and I know I’m in for it now because honestly, it’s easier to reject him on a text than in person. His eyes get me every time and he smells so good. As much as I tried to stop the fluttering sensation in my belly when I saw it was him - I couldn’t. He’s different and he doesn’t seem quite so arrogant either, but maybe that’s because I’ve dropped the attitude a little. I loved it when we were texting the other night but I’m just too busy to go out.
I busy myself in the office with my back facing the door as I’m stood at the filing cabinet. I still jump though as a knock on the door sounds because I know it’s him.
I answer quietly, “Come in.”
The door opens to a very fit and clean shaven, Adam. Dressed in black jeans and a white t-shirt that clings to his chest and biceps... wow!
I slowly avert my eyes to look up at his face and see him looking back at me with a raised eyebrow, holding his phone up and waving it in his hand. I smirk slightly and bite the corner of my lip.
I watch as his eyes darken just slightly from the dark blue they already are to an almost amethyst colour. “Hey Adam. What brings you here?”
“Hey. So, you’re busy on Saturday then?” I nod my head, afraid to speak. If I speak my voice will betray me and tell him it was a lie and yes, I will make the time for him and go out. “What’s stopping you?”
I shrug my shoulders and answer quietly, “Well, I have to help my Mum at the weekend, so I can’t just leave her in the lurch…”
He cuts me off, “Darcy, look, I just want to take you out, as friends… I promise. I know you think I’m just an idiot joker with a big ego, most people do,” he shrugs. “But honestly, I just want to get to know you that’s all and maybe show you how to have some fun.”
Seeing the sincerity in his eyes, I decide fuck it. I smile and nod. The massive smile forms on his face which makes him look even more gorgeous.
He slips his phone into his pocket. “Text me your address and I’ll pick you up on Saturday.” Adam gives me another beaming smile and stops as he reaches the door. “Your hair looks really nice by the way.” He smiles again and then he’s out of the door.
When I arrive home later that night, doubt starts to set in again... Should I go with him, should I stay at home and help Mum ... yeah maybe I just should stay here.
“What are looking so deep in thought about?” Mum asks as she enters the kitchen.
“Oh, nothing really.” Mum sits at the table across from me and frowns.
“You sure about that, do you want to talk about it?”
“Well.... a kind of friend has asked me if I want to go out Saturday, but it’ll be all day, you’re at work and it’s not fair to you, so I’m just going to say no,” I say the last bit quickly thinking Mum won’t hear me but her ears are like radars; they pick up everything.
“Oh yeah, anyone I know?” She smirks slyly as she fishes for answers.
“Nooo, just someone I met recently…”
“Oh yeah. Sooo?”
“Ugh, if you must know, his name’s Adam.
“Adam, huh? Nice. So, what’s the problem?” She takes hold of my hand across the table.
“Well, you’re at work and I usually help you at weekends.”
“Darcy, you’re twenty
-one, you need to get out more and stop worrying about us. I can cope... I don’t want you putting your life on hold.”
“I’m not. It’s just that I’m so busy, I’m always tired and there’s the garage too.”
I look at my Mum to see her giving me the look that tells me, ‘don’t argue with your mother,’ and no matter how old I get - that never fails. “So, you think I should go?”
“Yes, Darcy. I think you should go and have some fun, for me if not for yourself.”
Nodding at my Mum, I agree and smile at her then make my way upstairs for a shower.
Later on, once we’ve had dinner I send Adam a text with my address. I get a smiley face straight back and the bubbles appear again, I wait eagerly to see what he says,
Adam: You’re gonna love what I’ve got planned.
Me: You think so huh?
Adam: Yeahhhh babe, I know so. See you Saturday. 10 on the dot!
Me: Bossy... I don’t think I want to go with you anymore ;) and my name is DARCY….!
Adam: It’s too late to back out now. Wow, shouty caps too... Sorry DARCY. ;)
A smile pulls at my face as I look back at the exchanged texts, I realise how easy it is with Adam. Oh well, like he said, it’s too late to back out now. I’m going to pull up my big girl knickers and take this... friends date, one step at a time.
I know the next couple of days are going to fly by in a myriad of mass emotions.
It's the day of our ‘friends’ date. Fuck. I’m so nervous, why am I nervous? We’re friends, that’s it, for now… of course. It doesn’t stop me from wanting to screw her senseless though. Todd thought it was hilarious this morning at how nervous I am. Wanker!