Infinity: Soulmates 2 Read online

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  Talking like this with Chris reminds me of when we were a bit younger, Chris, me and Todd were always close – we hardly ever see Aidan – he’s always working. I hear the key turn in the lock and see Taylor walk in, go straight over to Chris and kiss him.

  “You got one of those for me, gorgeous?” Winking at her and she snorts loudly.

  “You wish. These are all for my hot boyfriend I’m afraid. How’s your mechanic?”

  “Don’t ask, in fact yeah ask him, he’ll fill you in, shit, literally - I’m going, see you later.” Kissing Taylor on the cheek, I make my way out back to my truck and drive home.

  Walking in the house, I go straight to my study, which I set up when Chris had moved out and used his old room, I sit at the laptop and start writing, getting lost in my words.

  * * * * * * *

  Two days after seeing Chris, we’re at Heatwave, our local club hangout. I didn’t go back to the garage again. I thought I’d give Darcy some space, I don’t know whether she just doesn’t like me or she’s playing hard to get but whatever it is – I’ll find out.

  I’ve had way too much to drink and there’s a little blonde hanging off me, begging for it. Darcy has been

  on my mind since I met her, fuck knows why but she takes up fifty percent of my headspace at the moment.

  I think that’s because I’ve been thinking of her in those dirty overalls, or out of them so to speak but since it’s not going anywhere, there’s nothing wrong with getting rid of this hard on while I can.

  It’s either get her to sort it out or do it myself. Grabbing her hand that keeps accidently touching my hard dick in my jeans, I ask her if she wants to go somewhere. Fluttering her eyelashes, she smiles and nods at me.

  I direct her to the back of the club where the toilets are, I lead her into the ladies, luckily there’s no-one waiting, just two of the cubicle doors are closed. Shutting the door and locking it, she’s on me like a leech - her hands are everywhere, rubbing up and down my chest, her other one rubs across my aching dick.

  I cup her chin with one hand, crash my lips to hers and lift her tight skirt to bunch around her waist. There’s nothing nice about this, this is an itch that needs scratching. She undoes my jeans as I take out a condom out of my wallet. Rolling it on, I pick her up and place her against the door, I ram my dick into her as she calls out, her back is banging against the door making it rattle. She tightens her hold on my hips with her thighs as she locks her ankles at my back and her nails dig into the skin. She captures my earlobe between her teeth and bites down sharply. I re-adjust my grip onto her arse and after a few hard thrusts I’m emptying myself as she’s shuddering and moaning.

  “Fuck!” I say gasping.

  “That was awesome, thanks,” she says with a wicked smile. Shit, I can’t even remember her name.

  I’m not usually this much of a bastard but needs are a must. I’ve only done this a couple of times and I don’t see them again, I’ve been lucky not to get a clinger.

  Removing the condom, I tie it, wrap it in some tissue and fasten up my jeans while she lowers her skirt, then she fixes her make up in the mirror. After saying my goodbye with a wink and dropping the tissue wrapped condom in the bin, I make my way back out into the crowd walking back up to Todd, slapping him on the back.

  “Where have you been?” Looking at him with a smirk on my face I tell him I had some business to attend to.

  “You ready to go?” I ask Todd as picks up his drink and knocks it back and nods to me.

  When we get outside he turns to me, “You shagged her didn’t ya?”

  “I might have done. Let’s grab that taxi,” I tell Todd as we start walking towards the empty one sitting at the kerb, once we’re inside Todd turns to me,

  “For fucks sake, Ad!”

  “What? You looked busy with her mate.”

  Frowning at him I turn away from him to look out of the window as he speaks again.

  “I kissed her that was it, she really wasn’t my type and when she realised she wasn’t getting anymore she went looking for her friend.” Todd is nothing like me. We may be twins but we’re complete opposites.

  “If she’d have come to the toilets she would have found her,” I say with a smug grin on my face.

  Shaking his head at me at what looks like disgust, he looks at me, “I hope your dick drops off!” then he steps from the taxi and leaves me to pay the fare. I pass a tenner to the driver and step out.

  “Oh, chill your fucking beans, dude!” I say as I laugh out loud. Stroppy fucker!

  When I enter the house, I’m still laughing, but I quieten down because Mum will kick my arse if I wake her up. I get a glass of cold water and drink it all in one, while I see Todd has already fucked off to bed. Todd is opposite to me in every way possible, he’s the settle down kind, a little like Chris. Me, I don’t want to settle down – unless I can get Darcy to change her mind about me then, maybe I’ll think about it.

  I leave the glass on the side and go to my room, have a quick shower, then get into bed. As soon as I close my eyes, the only face I can see is fucking Darcy, haunting me.


  Rolling over in bed, I look over at the clock and see it’s six thirty am. It’s Monday again.

  I try to help my Mum at the weekends with Dad, it’s tough on Mum to try and juggle everything, so I try to help as much as I can – but she always tells me to go out and enjoy myself, but luckily for her I’m not much of a party person.

  I don’t really like huge crowds and I don’t drink anyway. I got drunk once when I was sixteen; never again. I had the hangover from hell and it lasted for two days, I didn’t do it again. I went out of course but I didn’t drink, and now I have too much to do to deal with hangovers, too much responsibility, I’m only twenty-one but I try to see it as a positive thing.

  Dad put me on the garage ownership papers on my twenty first birthday as a present, so I own fifty percent of the business. With Dad not being well, the place is mine, although I still need to sort the books, I haven’t tackled that yet. I’ll do it no time once I start.

  I passed my maths GCSE’s with an A* and with my engineering I had to take maths on a higher level and passed those with flying colours too.

  It’s just finding the time to sit down and sort through them. I don’t want to let my Dad down and even with his illness, I try to keep him involved with everything, like the day to day running of the business and casually just chat to him about it. Some days he’s really interested – other days he doesn’t want to know.

  Those are the days that make me sad because it’s not him, Dad was always cheerful, making jokes; now, smiles are rare, and if he does they’re fake… he thinks I don’t know that he puts it on for me.

  I push the covers off me, look quickly at my phone screen – nothing, wow I’m popular. I go into the bathroom and do my business, have a quick wash, brush my teeth and get dressed, ready to start my day.

  Walking downstairs there’s no one here, that’s strange, Mum’s always down here. I put some bread in the toaster and switch the kettle on. I prepare my cup, pour the steaming hot water into my cup and breathe in the fumes as the water hits the coffee granules, I love the smell of coffee especially first thing in the morning.

  I butter my toast and sit in the lounge to listen to some music while I have some time to kill.

  “Turn this crap off, Darcy?” says Dad as he enters the room with his stick for support.

  “Good morning Dad. I’m going to work in a sec anyway.”

  “I’m glad you can go to work!” he tells me scowling. It’s one of those days… great.

  “You know Dad, you could come with me, I know you can’t do anything but at least you’d be out of the house.”

  “What use am I there, Darcy? I struggle to get up the stairs some days!” I pass Dad the remote controls, then ignoring his foul mood, I get up with my plate and coffee and head for the kitchen.

  “Morning Mum. Where were you?” I throw what’s
left of my toast in the bin and take notice that she doesn’t answer me. I drink down some of my coffee but it’s too hot. “I see Dad isn’t very good this morning then.”

  “I went out to the bins.” She says shakily. She doesn’t really look at me, I know she’s been crying.

  Without another word, I walk up to her, kiss her cheek, wrap my arms around her neck and hug her to me.

  She sniffles and tells me to go to work, nodding silently I walk from the kitchen, kiss my Dad on the cheek and leave for work.

  * * * * * * *

  “Ugh, kill me now!” I say groaning and banging my head on the desk. It’s so quiet today but at least I’ve had chance to start on this paperwork. If things carry on like this one of the of the lads will need to be laid off, that’s something I don’t want to do. Getting up from the chair, I pick up my purse and take out a tenner. I need coffee.

  “Guys, I’m popping to the coffee shop. Want anything?” Shouting no, I tell them I’ll be back soon and head out.

  Walking into the coffee shop I see Adam sitting in the corner with a laptop. I wait in the queue until I can get served first and then I’ll go over, that’s if he’ll speak to me.

  Ordering my cappuccino and double choc chip muffin, I wait at the end of the counter until they’ve finished then pass my drink over to me. I decide to sit in to drink it, to give my eyes a rest from figures and getting bog-eyed, plus the view is quite nice in here in all fairness, not that I’d tell him that.

  He still hasn’t seen me so I take the opportunity to appraise him, light brown hair, a little floppy and he’s got a covering of stubble on his chin that’s thicker than it was last week when I saw him. He’s concentrating on his screen so I pick up my tray and walk over to say hello.

  “Hey,” I stand at the side of him and wait patiently. He breaks his eyes from the screen and slowly looks up my body until he reaches my eyes, his eyes widen slightly when he recognises me.

  “Darcy.” He holds up two fingers, “Give me two seconds,” he looks back to his keyboard. I watch him press some keys and shut the lid. “Sorry about that, take a seat.”

  “Are you sure… I can sit somewhere else if you’re busy?”

  “Not at all, well not now… just working,” he says with a coy smile.

  Pulling the chair out, I sit down gently and stare into my coffee at the swirly pattern the barista has made in the froth.

  “Soooo, how are you Darcy?” my eyes find his again, I’ve got his full attention.

  “I’m okay thanks, how are you?”

  “I’m good,” he nods as he answers then that little smirk appears. “No work or on a break?”

  “Ugh, quick break, I needed decent coffee. I’ve been looking at the figures all morning, I think I may have square eyes.”

  Adam leans forward as his eyes flit between mine, “They don’t look square to me, just as pretty as they were last time I saw them.”

  I roll my eyes at his comment because it’s so corny, but I also smile a little to myself because hey, every girl likes a compliment and I don’t get many. Recovering from my little wobble, I look up at him. I’m feeling all kinds of nervous right now, like I’ve lost my protective bubble of the garage

  “So, Adam, what is it you do?”

  “I’m a writer.”

  “Nice, no getting your hands dirty then.” I pick up my cup to take a sip and look over at him, he just grins at me and replies…

  “Nah, my mind’s dirty enough, without getting my hands dirty too.” Raising his eyebrows up and down at me, I sigh at him and shake my head.

  “Um, that money you gave me last week, you gave me too much. So, if you want to pop around to the garage, I can give you back what you’ve paid over.”

  He doesn’t answer just watches me and smiles.



  I watch her mouth move and think about how much I want to kiss her, devour her.

  She takes a sip of coffee; her tongue slips between her lips to remove the froth that’s gathered there – it’s a good job this table is in between us so she can’t see the raging boner I’m sporting from that little innocent lick of her lips.

  I order myself another drink because I don’t want to cut this short, she’s actually talking to me, not rolling her eyes or sighing at me and I’m not going to waste the opportunity.

  Remembering the last question about the money, I reply, “Yeah sure, or you can keep it, I’m sure I’ll have to come in again for some reason.” Flashing her another grin she gives me a sassy one back.

  “I’ll make sure I’m off that day then!” She bites down on her bottom lip and raises an eyebrow.

  Oh fuck! This girl is making me lose all train of thought.

  I laugh loudly and she smiles right back at me and it’s gorgeous – but then I guessed it would be. I don’t even have a reply to that and that’s not like me, she gets me all tongue tied – I normally have an answer for everything!

  She looks away from me and gazes around the café. When she turns back to me, the smile which lit up her whole face is gone.

  “Adam, I’m sorry I was such a bitch last week, I’m not always like that,” she pauses for a second, “actually... yeah I am!” She covers her face with both of her hands and groans. I reach across and move her hands, put them on the table and push my luck by placing my hands over hers.

  “It’s fine really, we didn’t have the best start I suppose.” Moving my head from side to side and smile. She looks down at our hands and pulls hers from underneath mine.

  “Are you apologising for the sexist comment then or just in general?”

  “What sexist comment?” I ask her frowning, “okay then, maybe just in general, I suppose I am a handful…”

  “You think? I was actually talking about the one about a woman being a mechanic.”

  “Oh shit! That comment, yeah, that was a joke… I’m not really sexist. My mother would kick my arse, I swear.” She smiles widely. “I didn’t mean to offend - pinkie promise.” I hold my little finger out to her.

  She laughs again. I’d love to be able to make her smile or laugh more. Drinking the rest of her coffee she puts her cup down and picks up her muffin that she hasn’t touched and stands.

  “I have to get back. Those figures aren’t going to work themselves out.”

  Shit… I can’t let her go just yet.

  “Darcy, wait,” I quickly scribble my number down on a scrap piece of paper from my notebook. “Here’s my number.” I hold it out for her to take.

  “What do I want this for?” Darcy asks straight faced.

  “Um… well,” I’m stuttering over my words like a complete twat. “Just in case you need to text me or whatever really.”

  She looks at me with a smirk – she’s got me good. “I thought we could do this again.” I say nervously.

  “I already have this, you wrote it on an invoice, remember?” she says smartly.

  Chewing on my lip I say, “Yeah well you got it twice now - just in case you lose one, or if I piss you off and you throw one away.” Remembering what Chris said last week about being friends, for once I heed his advice. “Friends?”

  Nodding at me, she says, “Yeah, friends.” She puts her small hand in mine but my hand drowns hers, I grip it lightly and shake, she loosens my hand eventually and walks towards the door, as she pulls it open she looks back at me.

  Not losing my composure a second time – I wink at her. She shakes her head at me but gives me a cute little smirk too - Smiling widely, I put my hand up to her in a wave and watch her leave.

  I stay a little longer in the café and try and finish up what I was working on earlier before Darcy came in, but to be honest my flow has gone, so there’s no point in staying here. I pack everything up pay my bill and head home.

  Pulling up at home I have the biggest smile on my face. I put my laptop bag on the floor in the corner of the lounge and go into the kitchen.

  “There she is, the most beautiful woman

  “What are you after, Adam?” Mum says sarcastically as I kiss her cheek.

  “Mum, how can you say that? That hurts - right here…” I bang my chest with my fist to make her feel bad; it doesn’t work though, she’s a hard woman my Mum.

  “So, why are you so happy?” she turns to face me, “and why are you grinning like that, what are you up to now?” Mum asks suspiciously.

  “Why do I have to be up to something for me to be smiling?” I shrug my shoulders and grin.

  “Because my darling, Adam. Out of all my children, you were always the mischievous one. The one I had to watch to see what you were up to next – and I know you’re up to something.” She taps my cheek lightly and turns back to the cooker.

  “Yeah whatever. You know I’m your favourite!” Mum rolls her eyes and turns back to the cooker. Ha she knows it, don’t let her fool ya!

  I haven’t stopped smiling since Darcy left the café and I’m still smiling like a nutter now, grabbing a drink from the fridge, I get my laptop from the lounge and head upstairs to my office.

  As I’m working, my screen lights up with a text... unknown number. That gets my attention. Opening up the screen, I read the text:

  Unknown: Thanks for the coffee

  Feeling a smirk pull at my features I pick up my phone,

  Me: I’m sorry who is this?

  Smiling again I but my phone back down, but as soon as it touches the desk it pings again so I add her name to my contacts,

  Hot mechanic: Yeah, very funny... do you have coffee every day with a different girl then?

  Me: Now that would be telling…

  Darcy: Oh, please…!!!

  Me: I know you were checking me out!

  Darcy: Yeah, you wish! I have to go now, about to head home. Speak to you later.